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For Annapolis Area Homeowners, Energy Savings Could Pay Twice


It’s been a welcome relief for Annapolis area homeowners as the Bad Old Days of the energy crisis recede from memory. $4+-a-gallon gasoline, huge electric, propane and fuel oil bills that were the subject of national outrage have faded from the headlines. We’re now busy attending to the current challenges of daily living—and OPEC’s machinations aren’t front and center!

But for those Annapolis area homeowners more attuned to what’s likely to be headed our way sooner or later, now is as good a time as any to prepare for the next spate of energy price surprises. And there are many new products—some in development, some already on the market—that soon could put a serious dent in the damage tomorrow’s energy bills might wreak.

Some of the interesting innovations:

Investments in home renovations that give Annapolis area homeowners energy savings are investments that pay off twice: right now, as the monthly operating costs are realized; and later, when those advanced features make the property more attractive to buyers. If that “later” is also a time when a future energy crunch is on everybody’s minds, it can be an important selling feature.

That would also be prime time to give me a call!

DEBORAH LAGGINI, Long and Foster Real Estate, Annapolis, MD 21403

OFFICE 410-266-5505

CELL 410.991.6560



REALTOR, Annapolis, Davidsonville, Edgewater, and Surrounding Communities

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