It wasn’t too long ago that we revisited the famous list that cites the more than 230 critical actions that Realtors® may be called upon to perform for their clients. That fabled list continues to attract web traffic, principally owing to its popularity with agents who like to reprint it. As previously noted, it is a little bit hyperbolic: no Realtor is ever called upon to perform hundreds of services in any single transaction. Dozens (even many dozens), yes; hundreds, nyet!
Nonetheless, the list is useful for enumerating the many obscure technical facets that may require immediate attention at some point in the process that Annapolis homeowners set in motion once they list their homes. Sealing a transaction that will permanently withstand any challenge requires nothing less. By definition, unlicensed novices who don’t eat, sleep and breathe real estate can’t be familiar with the latest legal and regulatory real estate minutiae. They are unlikely to have the knowledge and experience that enables them to foresee and avoid all of a sellers’ potential liabilities. Nor are they often skilled in mastering the mechanics of closing. When they lack access to the up-to-the-moment Annapolis market results, they will be handicapped when it comes to devising a winning marketing blitz.
One other creative element that the best Annapolis Realtors provide comes only with experience. It’s vital early on, when a homeowner first decides that the time to sell is now. It is the accumulated memory that goes with accompanying potential buyers on hundreds of showings that enables the agent to experience the property the way buyers will. This produces invaluable advice on which features give the seller’s house extra appeal—and which will return the investment if they are brought up to current competitive Annapolis standards.
It’s my good fortune to belong to a profession that lets me dive into every new selling project with zest and vigor—and confidence in the excellent result to come. Call me!
DEBORAH LAGGINI, Long and Foster Real Estate, Annapolis, MD 21403
CELL 410.991.6560
EMAIL deborah(dotted)laggini(at)longandfoster(dotted)com
REALTOR, Annapolis, Davidsonville, Edgewater, and Surrounding Communities